NEP(New Education Policy)

NEP(New Education Policy)

    National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 seeks to reform the Higher Education system by providing, among other things, flexibility to students in terms of choice of subjects to study and academic pathways. A creative combination of disciplines for study with multiple entry and exit points is one very important recommendation of NEP, 2020. The multiple entry and exit points in the academic programmes offered at Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) would remove rigid boundaries and create new possibilities for students to choose and learn the subject(s) of their choice. In addition, it will pave the way for seamless student mobility, between or within degree-granting HEIs through a formal system of credit recognition, credit accumulation, credit transfers, and credit redemption.


Admission Paths for Undergraduate Programme (First Degree)

    1. Students who have successfully completed Grade 12 School Leaving Certificate shall be eligible for admission to a first degree programme.
    2. The admission shall be made on merit on the basis of criteria notified by the university, keeping in view the guidelines/norms in this regard issued by the UGC and other statutory bodies concerned and taking into account the reservation policy issued by the government concerned from time to time. Guidelines for Multiple Entry and Exit in Academic Programmes offered in Higher Education Institutions | 9 Student enrolment shall be in accordance with the academic and physical facilities available keeping in mind the norms regarding the student-teacher ratio, the teaching-non-teaching staff ratio, laboratory, library, teaching-learning tools.
    3. The in-take capacity shall be determined at least three months in advance by the university/institution through its academic bodies in accordance with the guidelines/norms in this regard issued by the UGC and other statutory bodies concerned so that the same could be suitably incorporated in the admission brochure for the information of all concerned and uploaded on the institutional website.
    4. Depending upon the academic and physical facilities available, the HEIs may earmark seats for lateral entrants to the second year/third year/fourth year of a first-degree programme, if the student has either (a) successfully completed the first year/second year/third year of the same programme in any institution, or (b) already successfully completed a first degree programme and is desirous of and academically capable of pursuing another first degree programme in an allied subject.


The entry and exit options for students, who enter the undergraduate programme, are as follows:

1st Year

Entry 1: The entry requirement for Level 5 is Secondary School Leaving Certificate obtained after the successful completion of Grade 12. A programme of study leading to entry into the first year of the Bachelor’s degree is open to those who have met the entrance requirements, including specified levels of attainment at the secondary level of education specified in the programme admission regulations. Admission to the Bachelor degree programme of study is based on the 10 | University Grants Commission evaluation of documentary evidence (including the academic record) of the applicant’s ability to undertake and complete a Bachelor’s degree programme.

Exit 1: A certificate will be awarded when a student exits at the end of year 1 (Level 5). The first year of the undergraduate programme builds on the secondary education and requires 36-40 credits during the first year of the undergraduate programme for qualifying for an undergraduate certificate.


2nd Year

Entry 2: The entry requirement for Level 6 is a certificate obtained after completing the first year (two semesters) of the undergraduate programme. A programme of study leading to the second year of the Bachelor’s degree is open to those who have met the entrance requirements, including specified levels of attainment, in the programme admission regulations. Admission to a programme of study is based on the evaluation of documentary evidence (including the academic record) of the applicant’s ability to undertake and complete a Bachelor’s degree programme.

Exit 2: At the end of the 2nd year, if a student exits, a diploma shall be awarded (Level 6). A diploma requires 72-80 credits from levels 5 to 6, with 36-40 credits at level 6.


3rd Year

Entry 3: The entry requirement for Level 7 is a diploma obtained after completing two years (four semesters) of the undergraduate programme. A programme of study leading to the Bachelor’s degree is open to those who have met the entrance requirements, including specified levels of attainment, in the programme admission regulations. Admission to a programme of study is based on the evaluation of documentary evidence (including the academic record) of the applicant’s ability to undertake and complete a Bachelor’s degree programme.

Exit 3: On successful completion of three years, the relevant degree shall be awarded (Level 7). A Bachelor’s degree requires 108-120 credits from levels 5 to 7, with 36-40 credits at level 5, 36-40 credits at level 6, and 36-40 credits at level 7.


4th Year

Entry 4: An individual seeking admission to a Bachelor’s degree (Honours/Research) (Level 8) in a specified field of learning would normally have completed all requirements of the relevant three-year bachelor degree (Level 7). After completing the requirements of a threeyear Bachelor’s degree, candidates who meet a minimum CGPA of 7.5 shall be allowed to continue studies in the fourth year of the undergraduate programme to pursue and complete the Bachelor’s degree with Research.

Exit 4: On the successful completion of the fourth year, a student shall be awarded a degree (Honours/Research). A Bachelor’s degree (Honours/Research) requires a total of 144-160 credits from levels 5 to 8, with 36-40 credits at level 5, 36-40 credits at level 6, and 36-40 credits at level 7, and 36-40 credits at level 8.


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