
Principal's Desk

about us

Dear Students, Guardians and other stakeholders Government Degree College Majalta was established in July 2016 and affiliated to University of Jammu. The vision of Majalta College is to mould the students into responsible citizens with education, advanced knowledge and moral values for a happy, prosperous and vibrant society. Our mission is to uplift the youth by imparting quality education and equip them to cope with the latest requirements through innovative teaching and learning practices. We, at Majalta College, strive to develop the unique individuality of each student, give the students the right kind of help and support. We give utmost importance to make discipline a core value, and to initiate all round development through well-structured Curriculum, well-planned academic Calendar, continuous internal evaluation through descriptive as well as online mode and various co-curricular activities: indoor sports , NSS , Inter departmental Model Exhibition & Competition, Cultural Programme, Debate & quiz Competition and many more. Our only mission is to enhance the quality of education despite so many inherent weaknesses . With these aims in mind, we give more emphasis to innovative teaching learning practices and the use of ICT in teaching and learning methods. We have developed self developed learning management system by using personal google classrooms, department- wise whatsapp group. Students and other stakeholders can also inform their grievances/ suggestions through a platform at anytime. Education for us is not a mere pursuit for information: what we strive for is a holistic development of character with a commitment to building a strong knowledge base. To achieve these goals and objectives, our teachers, students and employees work together in close collaboration and association. The alertness to gender equality too is demonstrated amply through a number of awareness programmers organized in the college. . We believe in freedom of expression but this freedom ought not become a license for irresponsible speech or action. Through cultural and academic activities in the college, we try to include a multifaceted awareness. Creativity and innovation is encouraged and a high standard of arts and culture is maintained year after year. Respect to one another and decency in behavior being the main planks of humanity, we ensure that our students show decency inside as well as not only outside the class room but in all the sphere of life . We do not tolerate indecent lifestyle and habits in our campus. These activities always warrant a disciplinary action. We have a firm belief that a healthy physique is essential for a healthy mind. We feel that our students should take a healthy and balanced diet and avoid junk food and also put an extra vigil that any kind of intoxicants should not enter in our campus”. And in case of any violation, necessary action would be taken which includes rustication or expulsion from the institution. Finally, I want to assure that the college administration, our team of experienced, dedicated teachers and support staff are doing their best to give the students required edge to make their mark in this global world. I cordially seek the whole hearted support and cooperation from all the stakeholders of Government Degree College Majalta for upliftment of this college and to turn the college into a Centre of Excellence. With warm wishes

Dr . Shalini Sharma

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